
Steppingstone to Success: Strategic Planning

Posted by David Wallace on December 6, 2023

Strategic planning is crucial to your organization’s success. Through the planning process, you set a clear direction, align efforts, and enable efficient resource allocation to achieve long-term goals. Here are a few reasons why strategic planning is important: Direction and Focus: Strategic planning provides a roadmap for your organization, outlining purpose, mission, vision, and values. […]

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5 Reasons Why Fractional Sales Management Makes Sense

Posted by David Wallace on November 16, 2023

If your business is looking to improve its sales and revenue operations without the long-term commitment and costs associated with a full-time executive hire, Wallace Management Group offers fractional CROs and CSOs. Chief Revenue Officers (CRO) and Chief Sales Officers (CSO) lead and optimize the revenue-generating functions of your business. Hiring a fractional CRO or […]

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10 Reasons to Engage an Interim Chief Revenue Officer or Chief Sales Officer

Posted by David Wallace on November 6, 2023

Engaging an interim Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) or Chief Sales Officer (CSO) can be a strategic move for a company in various situations. Interim CROs or CSOs are experienced executives who are brought in on a temporary basis to address specific challenges or opportunities. Here are some reasons why your company might consider engaging an […]

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Are you taking this 2-step approach to find and engage customers?

Posted by David Wallace on October 24, 2023

Customers have taken charge of the buying process. Prior to engaging with a sales rep, many customers gather a great deal of information via their own research. When they’re ready to move forward, they’ll reach out to your sales team via a call, email or, often, interaction with your company’s website. Here’s how to make […]

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He’s Baaaack!

Posted by David Wallace on October 17, 2023

After two years as a partner in TechCXO’s Revenue Growth practice, I’m back to leading Wallace Management Group. I founded this company in 2006 to work with small- and medium-sized companies that experienced robust growth early but have seen their sales growth slow as their business matured. We help clients recognize that “what got you […]

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Change How You Sell to Drive More Revenue

Posted by David Wallace on September 13, 2022

Over the last 20 years,  technology and the internet have changed how buyers buy. Rather than relying primarily on vendors’ sales reps for information about problems and solutions, products and features and how to get what they need to run their business, buyers have taken ownership of the process to manage their own time, do […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Engage On-Demand Executives from TechCXO

Posted by David Wallace on July 12, 2022

On-demand executives have become more accepted in the marketplace. Even before Covid introduced fundamental changes to how we do business, companies were looking for efficient ways to access the expertise they need to grow their business when, and only when, they need it. Here are five reasons why you should engage on-demand executives from TechCXO. […]

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Process vs Initiative

Posted by David Wallace on June 9, 2022

Many clients I work with have developed processes to work efficiently and consistently. They have defined steps to ensure that work is done correctly and completely without missing any critical components. Work processes have been in place for centuries back to the when hunting groups learned to make spears and fishing nets. As products increase […]

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8 Parts of an Effective Lead Generation Program

Posted by David Wallace on May 17, 2022

An effective lead generation program has eight parts – planning, target, message, roles and responsibilities, communication vehicles, metrics, qualification and follow up. Planning Before implementing a lead generation program, first create your plan. Your lead gen plan identifies: Who you will contact. The “who” is your target audience. This includes how to get lists of […]

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Is Your Marketing Message Effective?

Posted by David Wallace on May 9, 2022

When assessing your company’s message, or the message that your salespeople are delivering to the market, you may ask “Does that ring true?” or “will my message tell people what we do and attract new customers?” While these questions are good to ask, you need to dive a little deeper. Examine your message to ensure […]

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