Is Your Marketing Message Effective?

Posted by David Wallace on May 9, 2022

Notepad and KeyboardWhen assessing your company’s message, or the message that your salespeople are delivering to the market, you may ask “Does that ring true?” or “will my message tell people what we do and attract new customers?”

While these questions are good to ask, you need to dive a little deeper. Examine your message to ensure it has the four qualities necessary to make it an effective message. Is your message (1) targeted, (2) relevant, (3) clear and concise, and (4) likeable?


Effective B2B marketing messages focus on target markets and target buyers. Target markets are a group of customers with shared demographics and who are the most likely buyers of your products or services. Often, target markets are defined by size, industry, geography, or product users. Target buyers are individuals within the target market who are likely to be the decision makers or influence the buying process. Target buyers are generally defined by their roles and responsibilities within a target company.


Effective messages reflect understanding of the customers’ needs and address those needs. They are aligned with the customers’ needs. What’s more, your claims must be credible. To understand your customers’ needs, talk to them. Don’t just assume what’s on their minds, ask.

Clear and Concise

Effective messages are clearly understood. They are direct, saying exactly what they mean. Additionally, effective messages use language easily understood by everyday readers and free of jargon and acronyms.


Likeability has three components. Likeable messages are authentic; they are inspiring; and they drive emotional connections. Authentic messages are consistent with your company’s image. They reflect who you are. Inspiring messages lead your customers to see the possibilities they can achieve. They inspire customers to act. Messages with emotional connection ignite a spark of passion that connect your ideal customer with your product or company.

So now when you ask yourself “Does my message ring true?”, go a little deeper. Ask if your message has the four qualities that will make it truly effective.

TechCXO Can Help

As a partner at TechCXO, I can help you build an effective sales and marketing organization to drive consistent, predictable sales. We build teams that deliver profitable, long-term customers. We lead companies to become customer focused. Learn more at

We’d like to help you achieve your sales, marketing and customer success goals. Contact us at (203) 856-9400 or to discuss how we can help you drive more business.